International Day 2022,

The International day that we have been looking forward to has finally arrived!

Dear teachers, students, and parents, we are excited to host our traditional grand event. We encourage you to come dressed up.

We hope to share wonderful moments with you during this event day!

Opening Ceremony

1) Student Council Welcoming Address

2) Principal's speech

3) Flag Ceremony

4) Opening Performances

International Booth

Hosted by our wonderful teachers and parents, students will learn about the music, food, sports, history, geography, clothing!

Traditional Food

On the International Day, food from all over the world will be displayed.

Our beloved parents have prepared food for children from different countries,

Food from China, India, Thailand, Mexico, Japan, France, Middle East Arabia, Russia, South Korea, South Africa will be available.

Closing ceremony

On the International Day, the school encourages teachers and students to wear traditional clothing from various countries.

To encourage diverse, appropriate, cultural clothing, we will award a ‘Best Dressed Award’ during the closing ceremony

Best Dressed Award will be presented to the best dressed class.

学校提供美国大学理事会College Board授权的AP(美国大学预科课程)SAT课程,英联邦爱德思考试局Edexcel授权的IGCSE和A-Level课程